I don't get why people get so up in arms abut Bongzilla. Sure their name is cheesy, and they are over the top about their love for marijuana, but its called stoner metal for a reason, they love weed. They are no better or worse musicians then ElectricWizard, Sleep, EYEHATEGOD, or Weedeater(which they would later share a member of). It makes me wonder what certain people are thinking, because i'll let someone tell me how cheesy and "bad" Bongzilla is, and then the same person will go on to explain to me what a great band St. Vitus is. Please do not get me wrong, i love St.Vitus(both Reagers and Wino) but Wino writes/sings some of the cheesiest song i have ever heard. Any ways, This is 'Methods For Attaining Extreme Altitudes' from Bongzilla. Bongzilla hail from Madison, Wisconsin and play, well stoner metal/sludge/doom/ whatever. This slic of canibinoid madness came out in 1998 on the ever popular Relapse Records. I would say Bongzilla's style of Stoner Metal/Sludge... is pretty nice the vocals can sometimes come acroos kinda Black metalish at times, with the raspy screams, and sheiks. Overall i would say that Bongzilla is like EYEHATEGOD with out the faster parts. In total, 'Methods...' contains a whole 3 tracks of smoke induced doom that are laced with samples of quotes about Marijuana. I hope you give this a listen and maybe even enjoy it.
yeah, never got why there was such a stigma attached to this band. maybe it is just their name.
first time i heard them was because someone was talking shit on their name and then explaining why they sucked. he turned it up and i wasn't like "WHOA!", but i thought it was ok. i don't own any of their stuff, but i have them on 2-3 comps, and i never skip them, if that counts for anything.
wino's lyrics aren't that cheezy! maybe "Dragon Time" or "the Troll", but i'm hard pressed to think of any other lyrics that are cheese ball... "Ice Monkey" is more corn ball than cheese ball, but with every other song about alchol abuse, LSD trips, not fitting it with the rest society, mushrooms and war YOU CAN LET THE MAN SING ONE GOD-DAMNED SONG ABOUT DRAGONS!
See, i new this would happen, i Love St.Vitus, but i know that StVitus are not virtuosos by any means, i love StVitus for who they are. And Yes Cornball/cheesball, wino's lyrics are a ball of something. But i love St.Vitus for who they are, and i except their limitations, because with out those limitations it wouldn't be St.Vitus. I hope that makes sense...
Thanks Nick
I have to admit, I pretty much can't understand any of the lyrics, and don't actually care that much. They can "sing" about dragons, tetrus, baby food, or cannibalism. It's pretty much all the same to me. Bongzilla's name (and by the way, I like the music!, thanks!) is righteously stupid, one big strike against. (Schwarzenegger-themed bands get similar strikes.) I first heard Bongzilla on the comp with Noothgrush. Ok, now that's a great band. But can you tell your wife? Next thing you know, she's telling friends, "oh, he listens to a band called Toothbrush!" "Um, no honey, that one is by Bongzilla." They should stick with cool names that start with "D," like Deviated Instinct, Demented Youth, Discharge, Dystopia (but not Dead Kennedy's). Or "I" names, like Icons of Filth, In/Humanity, or Infest. It's also hard to beat Pig Destroyer and Fear of God, and perhaps it need not even be mentioned that there was never a cooler name than Motorhead.
Thank You paris, i do admit sometimes it is hard to say the names of some bands aloud to "normal" people. Bongzilla is a good example,Noothgrush, CockAndBallTorture, Man-O-War, and countless others. Eyehategod is a good name till people see how its spelt. Nut thank you i want to start a tetrus themed band now. Thanks
the name was what first attracted me to bongzilla.i was sure i had to hear this band.i admit their obsession becomes a little ridiculous but anyway i never really pay much attention to lyrics.i'm more interested to voice as another instrument.
Ya, he looks fuckin crazy, i wonder how many shows he played with the needle still in his arm, but angry man is a beautiful song. i bleed black rules as well "bunch of fuckin unaware squares"...brilliant.
i completely agree with you Chrisc, i am a big fan of vocals. I like stuff with meaning and subtance, but when it comes down to it, i would rather take the awesome sounding band with great vocals singing about feces, over the mediocre band with so-so vocals singing about important world events. Hence i like Saint Vitus
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