This is one of the best things to ever come from Southern Lord, this is Thorr'sHammer, and their only release (to my knowledge) 'Dommedagsnatt'. Thorr'sHammer play very epic doom metal in the vein of Asunder. This album is dark powerful and slow. Thorr'sHammer is collaboration of the great GregAnderson and StephenO'Malley, who have been in quite the array of bands including BurningWitch, Goatsnake, and SunnO))) just to name a few. So if that doesn't speak volumes about how great this release is you either are unfamiliar with DoomMetal or you simply don't like it. Well the music is a mix of droning doom, growled guttural vocals, with the addition of very pretty female vocals done by RunhildGammelsæter. Her vocals give this a very stark and ominous feeling. Just as a side note she also hails from Norway and sings on this record in ... you guessed it, Norwegian. So here you go, hope you enjoy.
Her(Norwegian for here)
absolutely crushing.one of the best things Southern Lord ever released,before they turned all artsy and avant-garde.and Runhild Gammelsaeter's vocals really elevate the whole thing.anyone of those early Southern Lord releases is a must have,my personal favourite being the godly Burning Witch.another excellent choice on your behalf Svartstoy.thank you and keep 'em comin'.
this album was fucking amazing, one of my favorite picks thus far.
Crushing is the word. I've wanted to hear this for a long time. Cheers
Cool, i am glad you like OLA, hopefully soon i will be able to start up again.
Thanks for posting this. Great churning doom.
Great site, btw.
about time I came across this. thank you kindly.
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