Yet another post from one of my favorite bands, LebendenToten. This time its their 2003 EP entitled 'NuclearFlowers'. Its everything you have come to expect from these noble masters of FUZZ. Its raw, disgruntled and noisy as fuck. The wall of distortion seems to be cranked to 11 on this release and actually can be very painful to listen to the loud hiss that they start and finish most songs with. Someday when i am an old man i can look back at this band and blame them for my deafness, now who can i blame for my future senility? Again for fans of Noisy distorted PunkRock in the vain of good Disorder, Gai, Confuse, etc... and if you failed to pick up any of the other releases from them that i have posted you can get them here. Oh, and as usual, the stand out tracks are all of them! Hopefully someday i will get a chance to see them.