Here is some more Hawkwind. This has to be one of my favorites, it is such a toss up between this and 'Dorami Fosol Latido' i love them both, but i think at this current moment in time im loving this record a lil' more. It seems to me a lot more "spacey" then 'Dorami'. Anyways this is Hawkwind's 2nd which was released in 1971 entitled 'InSearchOfSpace' and let me tell you i think they found it. This is album has it all its spacey, droney and drug fueled. This is a bad album for me to listen to whilst driving, i find my self zoning out and next thing i know i have been siting a the green light for its entirety voiding out all the horns believing it is a part of the music. I love how all the music seems to gradually get louder and then fade away, then just when you think the song is over they bring it back around again. well any-who, i love this record and maybe you will to, some sit back and wait for the mother ship to make its second round.
one of my favourite bands of all time.i like almost anything by them,even their later,80's and 90's stuff.seeing them live several years ago was a dream come true even if Dave Brock was the only original member.
ya, they are certainly one of my many favorite bands, i have yet to give any of their latter stuff a chance.Hopefully soon. Thanks Chrisc
i'll let you have one of my later CD's. some tracks are awesome, some arent so good.... members of Smartpils at that point and with a female singer too.
if you have even a passing interest in Hawkwind, check out CHROME!
Nik Turner even collaberated with them! HAWKWIND APPROVED PSYCHPUNK!
download it, or buy it for $90.00 a pop on recent ebay auctions!
Thanks nick, im downloading right now.
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