Well, i thought i would post something that might throw a few of through a loop. This is Ministry, prior to them being a metal/industrial band they were a very dance Synth Pop band. And Al Jourgenson loved using a British accent. Well this album rules and is very gay. It makes me want to put on make-up and dance around the house. The album is called 'With Sympathy' and came out in1983. Later Al would claim to be ashamed of this release by saying he was pressured by the record company to make it "SythPop", but i must say if you feel you are to "manly" for this record, your probably a closet case. So ya if you happen to find your self bobbing your head on occasion to SoftCell, PetShopBoys, or Erasure then you might like this record. So enjoy, and if your significant other happens to walk in on you taking a bubble bath with scented candles and this playing in the background try your hardest not to act awkward and start franticly explaining how "I'm not gay i swear, you gotta believe me". Just own up to the fact that sometimes you like to feel pretty and sensitive. Oh and if this is to "Gay" for you still you might like the 2nd album 'Twitch' better its a lot more "Industrial". So rat your hair, put on your tight black pants, a loud of make-up and relive your goth days.
how bout some euro coldwave?
Siekiera, perhaps?
i've got tracks and art if ye be interested....
Siekiera is awesome, and i do believe i have both as well, i'll get on that soon
sweet! i was just talking to a polish dude the other day; i told him i prefered Siekiera's coldwave compared to their ultra-brutal hardcore. no shit, he called me a fag.
eh, thats understandable i suppose!
great post, although i believe eurotrashy people do this type of stuff better....
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