This is Electric Wizards second full length album entitled 'ComeMyFanatics'. This was my first exposure to this band i remember it as though it were yesterday, It was a brisk and foggy fall morning. I was sitting in on the side of a brick walk way at school waiting for my health and nutrion class to start. While i was waiting i put on this album from a band my friend had given me a week or two prior. So i sat there and started listening to this album while i was drinking some coffee trying to stay warm. As the second track 'WizardInBlack' started to play it seemed as though time had come to a screeching halt, like everything had slowed down to a snails pace. The song put me in a euforic daze that seemed to last forever. THIS ALBUM CHANGED MY LIFE! . Before this album i was utterly content with Sabbath and Sleep. This is actually the band and the album that made me further my quest for stonermetal. All in all i love this album and would like to share it with you. It is spacey, slow, and down-tuned to the point of no return. Enjoy
i absolutely share your feelings about this album.i first heard a song from this on a local metal radio show and i was completely floored.i had never before heard something so slow and heavy.it was totally mind altering.this record opened the gates for me to discover so many great doom and sludge bands.and to remember their own words:FUCK WEAK DOOM,WE KANE HARDER.
I wonder exactly who they had in mind when they said that, who would be considered "weak doom"?
THanks Chrisc
I am glad to see that i am not the only person who was changed by EW. You know a lot of people say they are overrated, but i have never really heard anybody talk them up.
Great stuff, thanks for sharing the story!
Im glad you like it Paris, i thought you would.
i don't know what "weak doom" means but this phrase is really represantative of the EW mentality at that point in time.after the departure of the original rhythm section,they were never nearly as good.but this record and "dopethrone"(and the "supercoven" ep)are nearly flawless in my opinion.
Sorry Chrisc i am going to have to disagree with you, the only EW album i am not to found of is 'We Live', and i am a big fan of 'Witchcult Today' that album is catchy as hell. It might not have the same gritty stonner feel as 'Dopethrone'or 'Come My Fanatics' But it rules in my oppinion. My geuss on the weak doom front might be bands in the vein of Pelican or Jesu, im not disrespecting either band, but i imagine thats what they mean.
it's not that i don't like their other records,it's just that,in my humble opinion of course,they don't come close to the greatness of these two albums.as for the "weak doom",it probably refers to all those death doom bands of the era(my dying bride,etc),since it predates the whole isis/pelican explosion.
True, i could see that the whole My Dying Bride thing being weak doom, but isis/pelican are surely fill that void today. Ya a lot of people hold those two records with high regard and for good reason, but in personal oppinon i just can't get enough of Witchcult. I will also say that it does departe quite a bit from the original EW sound.
Thanks Chrisc
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