Hey, Do you like MotorHead? well, you wont find anything resembling that here, but what you will find is some great prog/pyschrock featuring Mr. Kilmister himself. Prior to playing bass in Hawkwind Lemmy played guitar and sang for Sam Gopal which was the brain child of the percussionist(Sam Gopal) to which the band is named after. Sadly the band only existed for a few years in the late 60's. Apparently somewhere around 1966-68 they had broken up and upon the reformation of the band Lemmy stepped in and recorded this piece of vinyl beauty, entitled Escalator in 1968. In my Biased opinion of worshiping the ground which Lemmy walks on i think this is awesome, but i can imagine some people saying this album is rather generic. I say your crazy, its a mix of psychedelic drugs, dark lyrical content and Lemmy. YOU CANT GO WRONG!!!!! so if you are a fan of Hawkwind, but sometimes find their spacey sounds to be too jarring and "Far Out" then i think this is right up your alley. Oh, and to give you greater incentive Sam Gopal shared the stage with the likes of Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd. So drop some acid, smoke a bowl, and embrace the 'Season of the Witch.'
PS. Who would win in a fight? Lemmy or God?
Here You Go
Guess I'll be the first on this post to say that this is terrific stuff! Thanks so much, you're off to a great start! Anything Lemmy is ok with me, what a treat, totally classic.
Thanks for the support, i agree, anything Lemmy rules.
Trick question
Lemmy IS God.
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