HellHammer hail from Switzerland and should need no introduction, but if you insist, they are the band that existed prior to CelticFrost. They are an intricate part in the birth of black metal. technically Hellhammer only officially released(while they were a band) one 12" E.P. and this is it the 1984 release 'Apocalyptic Raids'. There is a beauty to their LO-Fi sensibility, creating a raw and anxious feeling, making bands like this far more scary then most other Extreme Metal bands. HellHammer also does a nice job of incorporating some different styles to their music like the very slowed down doomy/Sabbath inspired track like 'Triumph of Death'. Its arguable that this could even be a Punk rock record just based on the sheer rawness of the album. I would have to say, the best way to describe HellHammer's sound would be if Venom(Welcome to Hell) and MotorHead(OverKill) had a baby and raised it on BlackSabbath .. Its Raw and dark with driving beats, what more could you want?. Plus Tom Warrior is a big time Amateur Rocket Enthusiast, thats right he builds rockets in his garage, and sets them off in the park and if you look very closely you will see him wearing NASA t-shirts in a lot of photos of him off stage.
Blast Off
Good stuff you got going here, and I reciprocated the link - see you around :)
Thanks for your support
Maybe everyone but me has this downloaded already, which is to say that the link is broken. Anyway, I've been loving the stuff you've put up! I didn't comment yet on the Chumbawumba, I downloaded that one for my wife, as most of the stuff I listen to nowadays is too hard/fast/noise for her, but Chumba is just right!
Sorry about that Paris, i fixed it, and checked it myself, so feel free to download this one, and if you dont have it already, your in for a treat, im glad your wife like the chumbawumba stuff. Thanks for the support
Great, thanks! "Massacra" is proto-CF all the way, sounds great. The pained groans at the beginning of "Triumph" are a bit off, I think, but the Sabbath feel beneath it all is really nice.
Ok, I listened to "Tiumph of Death" on my headphones today (loud) while out walking my dogs, and it was pretty awesome, groans and all, or maybe groans especially. Some things need volume to be appreciated!
i', glad you see the light...or would that be the dark? Either way the Groans and shrieks are so excruciating and painful, that they just make the music that more bleak.
Just got the Only Death Is Real photobook of Hellhammer/Celtic Frost shite....it's killer.
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