Well, if you have been reading my blog you might have noticed, i like LebendenToten. But with my love of LebendenToten comes my responsibility and loyalty to DIY music. So i feel torn between sharing them with you knowing that 99% will never pay a dime for anything they produce. So I've only been trying to post things that are hard to find/out of print. Then i remembered this gem. This is their 2006-7" 'PoisonWave' made only for their tour in Japan. So unless you live in Japan or visited with the intent of seeing them on tour, your out of luck for finding this. Although I'm sure it goes for a pretty penny on eBay. This has to be one of my favorite bands of recent years, i have never had the opportunity to see them, but imagine it would be quit the deafening spectacle. So enjoy, sorry all the titles are in Japanese, but here it is. Listen through headphones with with volume on MAX.
november... they should be down here by then. guss is working something out with them. hopefully setting up an 80's dance party too.... why? apparently, frank and chanel love 80's dance parties!
They played here in SF a month ago, but I got loaded at an show in the afternoon and missed them. Did run into them at the cafe by my house though, nice folks.
Ya i saw that they played at slims the day it happened, but im a good 6 hours away, and so seeing them that day just didnt seem to be in the cards, but im glad to hear they are coming down to our neck of the woods, i hope guss pulls it all together, cuz i will buy merch like a son-of-a-bitch. thanks
They played at Thrillhouse Records with Rukkus (who rule BTW) and Rottenfux (also ruling.) I can't imagine this at Slim's. It was the same day that Exodus and Hirax played a free show at the park, I drank at least a gallon of Chelada and got a bad sunburn.
Ya, i have heard a lot about rukkus, and rottenfux, but have yet to hear them, but ya i could be wrong, about them playing at slims, i coulda sworn i read it on a post on myspace. Oh well.
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